In a 'homonymous'essay,Derrida deconstructed Franz Kafka's fable Before the Law( Vor dem Gesetz),showing that the institution of literature cannot be separated from law or else there will be no literature and that literature can deconstruct law and exceed it within a fictive measure. Therefore,law protects the institution of literature; meanwhile,the literary law also needs the narration of the latter- literature can deconstruct the violence of law. Through 'Deconstructing Literature by Law 'and'Deconstructing Law by Literature',Derrida illustrated'The Law of Literature Itself'and'The Relationship of Literature and Law'. Then,based on the above,Derrida came to the conclusion: 'Literature'is just like the Kafka's 'Law',the origin,essence and truth of which are always in a state of'Différance'.
Foreign Language and Literature Studies