
果蔬洗涤盐的研制 被引量:7

Manufacture of Fruit and Vegetable Washing Salt
摘要 具有消毒杀菌功能的食盐是天然的果蔬洗涤用品。以生态安全的烷基糖苷为表面活性剂,以及其他助剂,研究开发食盐果蔬洗涤剂产品。其农药残留去除效果好,符合国家标准规定,是一种绿色经济的果蔬洗涤制品。 Salt with sterilization is a kind of natural product for fruit and vegetable washing.A series of fruit and vegetable washing salt were prepared by alkyl polyglucoside with bio- safety as surfactant and co- surfactant based on the common salt. The as- prepared salt detergent could remove the pesticide from vegetable effectively,which the removing rate on fruit and vegetable is better. The salt can met National Food Safety Standard and was thought as one green and economic washing product.
出处 《盐业与化工》 CAS 2015年第12期43-45,共3页 Jounral of Salt and Chemical Industry
关键词 烷基多苷 果蔬洗涤盐 矿井盐 农药残留 alkyl polyglucoside fruit and vegetable washing salt mining salt pesticide residue
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