
Joint Dynamic Clustering and User Scheduling for Downlink Cloud Radio Access Network with Limited Feedback 被引量:2

Joint Dynamic Clustering and User Scheduling for Downlink Cloud Radio Access Network with Limited Feedback
摘要 In limited feedback-based CloudRAN(C-RAN) systems,the inter-cluster and intra-cluster interference together with the quantification error can seriously deteriorates the system spectral efficiency.We,in this paper,propose an efficient three-phase framework and corresponding algorithms for dealing with this problem.Firstly,a greedy scheduling algorithm based on the lower bound of the ergodic rate is performed for generating an elementary cluster in the first phase.And then the elementary cluster is divided into many small clusters according to the following proposed algorithms based on the short term instantaneous information in the second phase.In the end,based on the limited feedback two zero-forcing(ZF) precoding strategies are adopted for reducing the intra-cluster interference in the third phase.The provided Monte Carlo simulations show the effectiveness of our proposed algorithms in the respect of system spectral efficiency and average user rate. In limited feedback-based CloudRAN(C-RAN) systems,the inter-cluster and intra-cluster interference together with the quantification error can seriously deteriorates the system spectral efficiency.We,in this paper,propose an efficient three-phase framework and corresponding algorithms for dealing with this problem.Firstly,a greedy scheduling algorithm based on the lower bound of the ergodic rate is performed for generating an elementary cluster in the first phase.And then the elementary cluster is divided into many small clusters according to the following proposed algorithms based on the short term instantaneous information in the second phase.In the end,based on the limited feedback two zero-forcing(ZF) precoding strategies are adopted for reducing the intra-cluster interference in the third phase.The provided Monte Carlo simulations show the effectiveness of our proposed algorithms in the respect of system spectral efficiency and average user rate.
出处 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第12期147-159,共13页 中国通信(英文版)
基金 supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC) under Grant(No. 61461136001)
关键词 调度算法 无线接入网 动态聚类 反馈 用户 节点 蒙特卡罗模拟 频谱效率 Scheduling seriously clustering elementary scheduling Feedback generating greedy dealing fading
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