针对目前基于关系型数据库等存储模式的本体存储查询效率较低的情况,提出使用XML数据库Base X进行本体的存储,并设计了相应的本体存储查询架构。在对Base X存储结构与接口的研究基础上,实现对OWL本体的存储。利用Base X的查询接口和XQuery查询语言对OWL本体进行检索,在建立推理规则库基础上,实现本体查询扩展与推理。实验将提出的存储查询方法与基于关系型数据库的存储查询方法进行对比,验证了提出的方法具备高效的存储查询性能,同时具备本体查询的推理能力。
In view of low efficiency of ontology storage and query based on relational database or other databases, Base X as an XML database is proposed to store ontoloy, besides, the architecture of it is also designed. Based on the research of Base X storage structure and its interface, ontology storage is implemented. OWL ontology query is implemented by using the Base X query interface and Xquery language, and ontology query extension and reasoning are implemented on the basis of inference rules library. The experiments compare the ontology storage and query method put forward in this paper with the classic method based on the relational database, which verify the method in this paper has more efficient storage and query performance, along with the ability of ontology query reasoning.
Computer Engineering and Applications