Based upon the results of battery ofmutagenesis tests, a new approach, ratioestimate method (REM), for predictingcarcinogenicity of chemicals quantitativelyis described. If the tests arc composed of nmutually independent experiments, a re-sult's set is constituted:M={M_1, M_2,…, M_n}.According to the formulas of probability, wehave: P(C^+/M)/P(C^-/M)=[P(C^+)/P(C^-)].[multiply from i=1 to n(P(Mi/C^+))/multiply from i=1 to n(P(Mi/C^-)),whereP(C^+/M)/P(C^-/M)is the ratio of the proba-bility of a carcinogen to a non-carcinogenwith the result's set of M. P(C^+)and P(C^-)signify the probability of a carcinogen anda noncarcinogen. P(M_i/C^+)and P(M_i/C^-)represent the probability with which theresult M_i can be obtained to a carcinogenor a noncarcinogen. Let1/α=p(c^+)/P(C^-),=P(C^+/M)/P(C^-/M), γ=multiply from i=1 to n(P(M_i/C^+))/multiply from i=1 to nP(M_i/C^-), then β=γ/α. The value γ can bederived from the sensitivity and specificityof mutagensis tests. It is difficult to get theexact value of a but one can give its suitablerange. For example, let a≤α≤b, thenγ/γ+b≤P(C^+/M≤γ/γ+a Thus, the mean value ?(C^+/M)=γ/2((1/γ+b)+(1/γ+a)) could be taken as anestimated probability to predict the carcino-genicity. The application of REM to predictthe carcinogenicity of a carcinogenic and anon-carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydro-carbon was illustrated. The error range ofthe value estimated by REM was also dis-cussed in detail. The major advantange of REM is that itonly demands to give an experiential rangeof P(C^-)/P(C^+)without pre-determining itsexact value and the calculating process issimple and feasible to the toxicologists.
Journal of West China University of Medical Sciences
Ratio estimate method
Independent experiment Results set
Conditional probability
Error of evaluation