ODS(Order Dressing System)系统设计理念:与SAP系统集成,接收ERP系统产品销售订单,调用产品规范数据、冶金规范数据库进行产品质量设计展开,输出自铁水预处理、转炉、精炼、连铸、热轧、冷轧、退火、镀锌等各个工序产品参数、计划参数、工艺控制参数。与其他系统如:APS(高级排程系统)、QMS(质量管理系统)、MES系统集成,实现质量设计集中、统一、落地和深化一质量设计的一贯制。
The critical process flow of ODS (Order Dressing System) is to receive Sales Oder from SAP system, execute quality design based on Product Specification Database and Metallurgical Database, output product parameters, planning parameters and process control parameters of Iron Process, BOF, LF, RH, VOD, CCM, HSM, PLTCM, PL, TCM, CAL, CGL and RCL. The ODS system is integrated with other systems such as APS, QMS and MES. The ODS forms the unified basis for Centralized Quality Design, Publish and Execution.
Metallurgical Standardization & Quality