

Psychological Doubling and Its Ethical Implication in Time's Arrow
摘要 本文从创伤角度研究艾米斯小说《时间之箭》的伦理意义。研究发现,作者在该部作品中以心理复影的叙述策略体现出大屠杀中施暴者的创伤经历,故事的叙述者作为主人公的复影而存在;这种复影关系同时也体现为主体内部自我与他者的伦理关系,主人公因为拒绝与他者发生移情而处在人格分裂的境地;其人格的分裂则象征着纳粹分子将犹太人视为他者,对其进行清洗和屠杀。因此,《时间之箭》中的复影现象是具有伦理意义的。 In Time's Arrow by Martin Amis, the narrator functions as a double of the protagonist to represent the traumatic experience of perpetrators during the Holocaust and discuss significant ethical questions involving self and the other. Revealing the split personality of Nazis, who categorized the Jewish people as the other and tried to erase them via ethnic cleansing, this narrative strategy of psychological doubling explores the necessity for one to empathize with the others and thus carries ethical import.
作者 王卉
出处 《当代外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期50-57,共8页 Contemporary Foreign Literature
关键词 马丁·艾米斯 《时间之箭》 复影 伦理 Martin Amis, Time's Arrow, doubling, ethics
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