

Transformed Modernism in Anglophone-Caribbean Literature
摘要 后殖民批评将现代主义叙事视为对立话语,这种对现代主义文学的狭义认知不仅割裂了现代主义文学叙事与加勒比英语文学的文学关联,而且忽略了加勒比克里奥尔文化的杂糅性与多元性。本文通过追溯现代主义文学叙事在加勒比民族主义与加勒比女性身份话语构建历史时期的变形与衍变,揭示加勒比作家挪用现代主义文学叙事技巧的跨文化叙事策略,管窥加勒比克里奥尔文化的杂糅性,探究现代主义文学叙事与后殖民文学文化之间的交融。 The disciplinary boundary of postcolonial studies, coupled with its institutionalized perspective on modernism, leads to a near blindness to the connection in literature between Anglophone-Caribbean modernism and western modernist aesthetics. The hybridity of the Caribbean Creole culture is therefore often neglected. This paper traces the history of the Caribbean modernist discourse by investigating Caribbean writings from the formative years of nationalist discourse and female identity, hopefully to expose the interactions between Caribbean modernism and modernist aesthetics, and to promote dialogues between postcolonial and modernist studies.
作者 张雪峰
出处 《当代外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期72-78,共7页 Contemporary Foreign Literature
关键词 加勒比英语文学 现代主义 后殖民批评 Anglophone-Caribbean literature, modernism, postcolonial studies
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  • 6Donnell, Alison. Twentieth-Century Caribbean Literature. London and New York: Routledge Publishing House, 2006.
  • 7Etsy, Jed. A Shrinking Island: Modernism and National Culture in England. Princeton: Princeton UP, 2004.
  • 8Ford, Ford Madox. Preface. The Left Bank and Other Stories. By Jean Rhys. London: Jonathan Cape, 1927. 7-27.
  • 9Gikandi, Simon. “Preface: Modernism in the World.” Modernism/Modernity 13.3 ( 2006 ): 419-24.
  • 10Gikandi, Simon.Writing in Limbo: Modernism and Caribbean Literature. Ithaca and London: Cornell UP, 1992.








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