
欧盟开放政府数据运动:理念、机制和问题应对 被引量:21

The EU's Open Government Data Movement:Concept,Mechanisms and Solutions
摘要 为适应当代大数据技术环境的新变化,欧盟针对自身在全球开放政府数据(OGD)运动中的位置,根据OGD的基本理念和原则,通过系统科学的顶层设计制定了切实可行的OGD实施框架。与此同时,欧盟落实了相关的机制设施和法律保障制度,并将其OGD运动纳入到欧盟整体大数据战略之中。此外,欧盟为应对自身在OGD运动中出现的问题和面对的挑战,提出了战略性的措施。上述欧盟OGD运动涉及的概念、原则、机制、问题和应对策略等内容,将为中国在大数据条件下推进OGD工作提供有益的启示。 In order to adapt to the changes of contemporary technical environment of big data and in light of its place in global open government data(OGD) movements,the EU has formulated a feasible implementation framework based on the fundamental concepts and principles OGD through systematic and scientific top-layer designing.At the same time,the EU has completed the construction of the related institutional mechanisms and legal systems and brought the OGD movement into its comprehensive big data strategy.Furthermore,strategic measures have been released by the £U in order to respond to the problems and challenges that the OGD movements have posed.The concepts,principles,mechanisms and solutions involved by the EU OGD movements could provide insights to that of China.
作者 张起
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期66-82,6,共17页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
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