The picture of the dead body of a 3-year-old Syrian boy Aylan Kurdi has attracted worldwide attention after its extensive circulation in social media,which prompted several European countries to relax their previous staunch stance on refusing to take European refugees.Camera has a penetrating power compared to words as represented by the Kurdi picture,which illustrates the important role of visual images in reconstituting social discourse and identity as well as in affecting,mobilizing and constructing foreign policy discourse.The author proposes an intertextual approach consisting of the production of image,the image itself,the image-text nexus,and main social discourse from a poststructualist take on discourse,identity and foreign policy to illustrate the role of Kurdi picture in mobilizing foreign policy debate in the UK about the refugee crisis.The empirical analysis finds that the Kurdi picture and its circulation have reconstructed the identity of foreign refugees from 'invaders' to 'victims',questioned the identity of the UK as a traditionally humanitarian country,provided possibility conditions for and mobilized foreign policy debate in the country.
World Economics and Politics