造纸厂漂白废水可生化性能差,采用预处理技术可为后续生化处理工段创造有利条件。采用臭氧氧化技术对竹浆ECF漂白废水进行预处理,考察在不改变原水p H值的条件下处理时间,臭氧投加量对处理效果的影响。结果表明其最佳工艺条件为:处理时间25 min,臭氧投加量16.6 mg·L^(-1);在此工况下,D0段及EOP段废水的BOD5/CODCr值总体上升,分别为16.67%及38.46%;色度分别去除了45.41%及77.46%;AOX分别降至13.016 mg·L^(-1)及7.1334 mg·L^(-1);且臭氧氧化技术在不同臭氧投加量的条件下对漂白废水COD的降解均符合准一级动力学规律。
Due to poor biodegradability of paper mill bleaching effluent,pretreatment is beneficial to subsequent biochemical treatment process.The bamboo pulp ECF bleaching effluent was treated by the ozonation process.Under the condition of not changing the pH value of the raw water,the effects of ozone dosage and reaction time on the treatment efficiency were investigated.The results showed that optimum conditions were as follows:ozonation flow of 16.6 mg·L-1,reaction time of 25 min.In the working conditions,BOD_5/CODCr of D0 stage wastewater increased 16.67%,and the Eop stage wastewater increased 38.46%.The removal efficiency of colour could be up to 45.41%and 77.46%,respectivelly;AOX removal rate were 17.2%and 14.6%.Furthermore,the experimental results indicated that the degradation course followed the first-order kinetic model.
Paper and Paper Making