
试析欧洲难民危机 被引量:11

European Refugee Crisis;Phenomenon and Analysis
摘要 进入2015年以来,从西亚和非洲部分国家涌入欧洲的难民数量激增,形成严重的难民危机。叙利亚等地冲突扩大、极端恐怖主义势力泛滥等因素导致难民在短时间内大量聚集;由于地缘邻近、福利待遇较高、难民政策相对宽松,欧洲成为难民移居的首选目的地。难民危机给欧洲带来沉重的经济和社会负担,还存在潜在的安全风险,并对欧洲团结和一体化进程构成挑战。由于欧盟及欧洲各国政策缺乏协调、域外大国消极观望、叙利亚局势难以控制等因素,欧洲难民危机在短期内难以从根本上得到解决。 Since early 2015,there has been a dramatic influx of refugees from West Asian and African countries to Europe.The direct reason for the deterioration of the refugee crisis is the ongoing war in Syria,which has caused a rapid spreading of the terrorist-extremist forces.Its geographic proximity,better welfare and relatively liberal policy of accepting refugees have made Europe a perfect destination for the refugees.The refugee crisis has added heavy financial and economic burdens to Europe,with potential security risks and challenges to EU's solidarity.Because of lacking policy coordination among the European countries,reluctant attitudes of other countries and loss of control of the Syrian crisis,it is hard to resolve the refugee crisis in short term.
作者 黄海涛 刘志
出处 《现代国际关系》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第12期29-35,61,共8页
基金 天津社会科学规划项目"西方国际干预的理论基础与实践模式研究"(项目号:TJZZ12-002)的阶段性成果
关键词 欧洲难民危机 难民政策 人道主义危机 地区安全 European refugee crisis refugee policy humanitarian crisis regional security
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