

Study on the multi-lateral comparison method
摘要 多边比较法为格林伯格首创。格氏使用多边比较法系统地比较了不同语言中的词汇,具体是词对词、音对音之间的比对,凡是达到系统对应的几种语言,就认为有发生学关系。多边比较法的理论内涵可以概括为四个方面的内容:语言分类的原则;语言相似性问题;形—义配对问题;语言分类的标准。不过反对者对之批评有加,双方集中在以下几点:词汇的表面相似能否作为语言同源的证据;古音构拟是否必要;时间久远的语言能否辨认出来;证据数量庞大是否能证明语言同源。尽管如此,多边比较法的优缺点仍很明显,应客观对待。 multi-lateral comparison was first created by J. Greenberg. He used this method to compare the lexicons in different languages systematically, that is, compare word with word, pronunciation with pronunciation. If the languages are found to have a systematic correspondence, they are claimed to be genetically related. The theoretical connation of this method can be summarized in the following four points: the principles of language classification; the similarity of languages; form-meaning match; the criterion of language classification. But the opponents are very critical of this method. The focus of controversy of both sides are: if lexical surface similarity can be the evidence of genetic relationship; if the reconstruction is necessary; if the remote languages can be discerned; if the large amount of evidence is enough to prove the genetic relationship. Nevertheless, the multi-lateral comparison has its evident merits and demerits and should be treated objectively.
作者 李艳 文斌
出处 《外国语文研究》 2015年第5期2-11,共10页 Foreign Language and Literature Research
基金 中国博士后科学基金第53批面上资助(2013M532011) 陕西师范大学中央高校基本业务费专项资金项目(14SZYB31)
关键词 多边比较法 格林伯格 表面相似 multi-lateral comparison Greenberg surface similarity
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