

Comparative Study of "Government- industry- university- research" Cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan Based on Collaborative Innovation Theory
摘要 政产学研协同创新机制是经济持续繁荣发展的助推器。通过对台湾地区政产学研的合作方式进行历史性的脉络梳理,分析台湾产业转型的成功经验与创新机制构建之间的关系,并通过回顾福建省创新机制的发展状况及存在的问题,为新时期创新型国家的构建提供参考与借鉴。 The collaborative innovation mechanism of government - industry - university - research cooperation is the booster for the sustained and prosperous development of economy. Through the historical research on cooperation of government- industry- university -research, this paper recalled Taiwan's successful experience on industry restructuring and its promotional effect on construction of innovation mech- anism and conducted a review of development of innovation mechanism of Fujian Province as well as the existing problems to provide experiences and references for the construction of innovative country in the new era.
作者 黄蕾
出处 《福建师大福清分校学报》 2015年第6期102-107,共6页 Journal of Fuqing Branch of Fujian Normal University
基金 2014年福建省教育厅中青年教师教育科研项目重点课题"基于协同创新理论的闽台高校校企合作模式对比研究"(JAS14551)
关键词 协同创新 闽台 政产学研 Collaborative innovation Fujian Taiwan Government - industry - university - research
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