
钢辊式圆捆机旋转草芯形成影响因素分析与优化 被引量:23

Influence Factors Analysis and Optimization of Forming Rotary Straw Core by Steel-roll Round Baler
摘要 针对国产的中小型钢辊式圆捆机收获完整稻秆易产生堵塞的问题,利用自行设计的钢辊式圆捆机(草捆直径约500 mm)试验装置对其打捆过程进行了研究。通过高速摄像分析可知:旋转草芯形成过程实质上是稻秆在卷压室内连续卷绕累积的过程,形成的旋转草芯可对后续喂入的稻秆产生较大的牵带作用,进而消除打捆堵塞。通过试验分析可知,旋转草芯形成过程主要依靠钢辊对稻秆的摩擦牵引及后续喂入稻秆的持续推动完成的,据此,针对影响钢辊式圆捆机形成旋转草芯的主要因素——钢辊对稻秆的摩擦作用、捡拾器弹齿端点线速度以及稻秆喂入量为试验因素,以旋转草芯形成时的干物质质量为评价指标,进行了试验研究。结果表明:各因素对旋转草芯形成时的干物质质量贡献率从大到小依次为:钢辊对稻秆的摩擦作用、捡拾器弹齿端点线速度、稻秆喂入量。当因素参数组合为钢辊与稻秆间的滑动摩擦因数约0.65、捡拾器弹齿端点线速度2.23 m/s、稻秆喂入量1.5 kg/s时,旋转草芯形成时的干物质质量为1.58 kg。研究结果可为钢辊式圆捆机的设计及其作业参数优化提供理论及技术依据。 Aimed at plugging problem of baling intact rice straw by the domestic small and midsize steelroll round baler,baling process was studied by the self-made steel-roll round baler( diameter of bale was500 mm). The forming process of rotary straw core was essentially the process of inwinding and continuous accumulation of rice straw in baling chamber by analysis using high-speed camera. Large traction,which was produced by the rotary straw core on the subsequent feeding rice straw, was beneficial to eliminate baling plugging. Test results showed that the formation of rotary straw core mainly depended on the friction of the steel rolls on rice straw and the sustained driving force of the subsequent feeding rice straw,and the main influencing factors were analyzed. The main influencing factors were as follows: friction effect of the steel roll on rice straw,linear velocity of spring-finger and feeding quantity of rice straw. The dry mass of rotary straw core was decided as the evaluation index,and the DesignExpert software was used to optimize the level of each factor. The contributing rate of each factor on the dry mass of rotary straw core was as follows: friction effect of the steel roll on rice straw,linear velocity of spring-finger,feeding quantity of rice straw. When the parameters of sliding friction coefficient between steel and rice straw was 0. 65,the linear velocity of spring-finger was 2. 23 m / s and the feeding quantity of rice straw was 1. 5 kg / s,the dry mass of rotary straw core was 1. 58 kg. The research results can be used to support innovative design and parameters optimization of steel-roll round baler.
出处 《农业机械学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第12期18-25,共8页 Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51405076) 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助项目(20124105110004) 黑龙江科技攻关资助项目(GC13B604)
关键词 钢辊式圆捆机 完整稻秆 旋转草芯 因素优化 Steel-roll round baler Intact rice straw Rotary straw core Factors optimization
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