由Enterobacter mori引起的桑树细菌性枯萎病是一种新发现的病害,在浙江杭州地区发生较重。虽然桑青枯与桑枯萎同属细菌在症状又很相似,但青枯菌分子方法无法检测到桑枯萎菌。为阻止该病菌的进一步蔓延,我们根据桑树枯萎病菌的特点设计了一对特异性引物Em-ropBF和Em-ropBR,采用了一种不对病原菌分离的PCR方法,对杭州地区的44份桑树枯萎病疑似病害样本样品作了检测,结果有19份被检出含有Enterobacter mori。
A new mulberry wilt disease(MWD) caused by Enterobacter mori was first reported and nomenclatured recently, which is serious in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. Though Mulberry Pseudomonas solanacearum and Enterobacter mori belong to a same genus which causes wilt to mulberry, the method assaying Mulberry Pseudomonas solanacearum is invalid to identify the latter. In order to prevent further spread of the pathogen, a pairs of primers Em-ropBF and Em-ropBR were designed for detecting Enterobacter mori from mulberry plant tissues without purification and DNA extraction of causal organism. With this technique, the Enterobacter mori was accurately detected from 19 of44 mulberry plant samples with pathogenic bacterium from Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China.
Journal of Taizhou University