

Clinical feature analysis of 36 primary lung hidden ball yeast disease
摘要 目的探讨原发性肺隐球酵母菌病的临床特点,为临床诊断原发性肺隐球酵母菌病提供依据,减少误诊漏诊。方法回顾性分析2003年10月-2013年11月10年期间我院病理确诊的36例原发性肺隐球酵母菌病患者的临床资料特点,包括患者人口学特征、临床症状、影像学资料、治疗方法和随诊结果。结果 36例原发性肺隐球酵母菌病患者中,免疫功能正常者34例,2例有免疫功能异常;约50%患者有明确禽类排泄物接触史,无任何特殊接触史者占47.22%;临床症状以咳嗽、咳痰、胸痛和发热多见,发生率分别为69.44%、44.44%、36.11%和33.33%;影像学检查主要表现在下肺外带,以实变影及结节型居多,分别为58.33%、30.56%;获取病理方式以经皮穿刺肺活检应用最多(41.67%)。经手术治疗或抗真菌治疗后,随访5-131个月,均无死亡、全身播散或局部复发。结论原发性肺隐球酵母菌病在无禽类排泄物等特殊接触史的人群中亦有较高的发病率,大多数无基础疾病,临床症状以咳嗽、咳痰、胸痛、发热为主,影像学主要表现为近胸膜下的实变影及单结节影,经皮穿刺肺活检术是确诊的有效途径。病变局限者可行手术治疗,氟康唑为原发性肺隐球酵母菌病的有效治疗药物。 Objective To explore the clinical feature of primary lung hidden ball yeast disease and provide basis for clinical diagnosis of primary lung hidden ball yeast disease to reduce misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis. Methods Clinical data feature of pathologically confirmed 36 primary lung hidden ball yeast disease patients from October 2003 to November 2013 of our hospital were retrospectively analyzed.The clinical data feature contained demographic characteristic,clinical symptoms,imaging data,therapy method and follow-up results of patients were analyzed. Results Among 36 primary lung hidden ball yeast disease patients,34 cases were normal immune function,only 2 cases had abnormal immune functions;about 50% patients with a clear contact history with poultry waste,without any special contact accounted for 47.22%;clinical symptoms were mainly of cough,expectoration,chest pain and fever,and the incidence rate were respectively 69.44%,44.44%,36.11% and 33.33%,obvious higher than other symptoms.Imaging examination mainly showed in low lung periphery,and were in the majority of consolidation shadows(58.33%) and nodular type(30.56%).Pathological obtained way was mostly application with percutaneous puncture lung biopsy(41.67%).After treated with operation or antifungal and followed-up for 5 to 131 months,no death,general body scattering or local recurrence occurred. Conclusion Primary lung hidden ball yeast disease also have a higher morbidity in people without any poultry waste special contact history,most without basic diseases,clinical symptoms were mainly of cough,expectoration,chest pain and fever,imaging mainly shows consolidation shadows and nodular type that close to the subpleural and percutaneous puncture lung biopsy is an effective way for diagnosis.Operation therapy is feasibility for pathological changes limited patients.Fluconazole is an effective drug of primary lung hidden ball yeast disease.
出处 《中国当代医药》 2015年第35期16-18,24,共4页 China Modern Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(81260663) 广西壮族自治区自然科学基金项目(2013GXNSFAA019166)
关键词 原发性肺隐球酵母菌病 临床特点 诊断 Primary lung hidden ball yeast disease Clinical feature Diagnosis
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