串联重复序列广泛分布于真核生物,特别是植物中,为了比较其在禾本科植物染色体中的分布及差异,使用Phobos软件分析了玉米和高粱全基因组数据。结果显示,重复序列主要为短序列重复(<=6 bp),其中尤以二核苷酸和三核苷酸重复序列密度最高。玉米和高粱的二核苷酸重复单元都以AT重复为主,而其三核苷酸重复单元不尽相同;玉米主要以CCG极其互补序列CGG重复居多,而高粱以ATT极其互补序列AAT重复为主。并且玉米及高粱串联重复序列主要分布于染色体两端。对于理解串联重复序列在玉米及高粱染色体上的分布做了初步分析,研究揭示串联重复序列主要特征及分布位置,对重复序列在禾本科植物基因组中的研究具有借鉴作用。
Tandem repeats (TRs) are detected widely in eukaryotes, especially in plants, the research is designed to investigate TRs in maize and sorghum genome by Phobos in order to compare and analyze the distribution and differences of TRs in Gramineae. Results showed that the TRs are mainly short repeat unit (〈=6 bp), especially for the dinucleotide and trinucleotide. For repeat motifs, both maize and sorghum utilize AT motif in the dinucleotide repeat unit, yet in the trinucleotide repeat unit maize mainly employs CCG and its complementary CGG motifs, sorghum has ATT and its complementary AAT. In addition, the distribution of TRs in maize and sorghum demonstrates that TRs are mainly located in the both ends of chromosomes. The research analyzed the distribution of TRs in chromosomes in maize and sorghum primarily, and revealed the main features and distribution position in chromosomes, which is beneficial to the understanding of the TRs in Gramineae genome.
Journal of Shangluo University