目的 观察磷酸西格列汀和不同剂量二甲双胍联合治疗2型糖尿病患者的疗效及安全性。方法纳入2012年9月至2014年11月在北京军区总医院就诊的2型糖尿病患者90例,其中男性52例,女性38例,年龄28-74岁,平均年龄(51.5±9.3)岁。随机将患者分为低剂量联合组,高剂量联合组和单药治疗组,每组各30例。比较治疗前和治疗24周后三组患者空腹血糖(FBG)、餐后2小时血糖(2h PBG)、糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c)。记录低血糖、胃肠道不适等不良反应。结果 治疗24周后,低剂量联合组及高剂量联合组所致的FBG、2h PBG及HbA1c的下降明显分别优于磷酸西格列汀单药治疗组,差异有统计学意义(P均〈0.05),且高剂量联合组较低剂量联合组的降糖效果更明显,但两组之间差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。治疗期间三组患者各有1例发生低血糖(3.33%vs.3.33%vs.3.33%,P〉0.05),高剂量联合组有1例患者出现轻微的胃肠道不适,未予特殊处理,逐渐减轻直至消失。结论 磷酸西格列汀与二甲双胍联合治疗降低血糖优于磷酸西格列汀单药治疗,且高剂量联用降糖效果更明显,安全性良好。
Objective To observe the curative effect and safety of sitagliptin phosphate combining metformin in different doses in treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM). Methods T2 DM patients(n=90, male 52, female 38, aged from 28 to 74 and average age=51.5±9.3) were chosen from Sept. 2012 to Nov. 2014, and divided randomly into low-dose combining group, high-dose combining group and single drug group(sitagliptin phosphate, each n=30). The levels of fasting blood glucose(FBG), 2-hour postprandial blood glucose(2-h PBG) and glycated hemoglobin(Hb Alc) were compared in 3 groups before and after treatment for 24 w. The adverse reactions including hypoglycemia and gastrointestinal discomfort were recorded. Results The levels of FBG, 2-h PBG and Hb A1 c decreased in low-dose combining group and high-dose combining group compared with single drug group after treatment for 24 w(all P〈0.05). The hypoglycemic effect was significant in high-dose combining group compared with low-dose combining group(P〉0.05). There was each 1 case of hypoglycemia respectively in 3 groups(3.33% vs. 3.33% vs. 3.33%, P〉0.05), and 1 case of gastrointestinal discomfort in high-dose combining group and alleviated gradually until disappeared without any special treatment. Conclusion Sitagliptin phosphate combining metformin has more significant hypoglycemic effect than single sitagliptin phosphate with higher safety.
Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Cardiovascular Medicine