

Hydrophilicity of Sodium Lignosulphonate and Its Wettability Against Different Hydrophobic Surface
摘要 采用大孔树脂吸附法和超滤分级法得到6种不同级分木素磺酸钠(简称木钠)。实验探究了6种级分木钠的亲水性、表面活性及对石蜡和农药两种疏水表面的润湿性能。结果表明,可利用大孔树脂吸附的方法对木钠按亲水性分级,极性越强的大孔树脂吸附的木钠级分亲水性越强,表面活性越弱。石蜡和农药表面的润湿结果表明,木钠的亲水性与需润湿的表面疏水性应匹配,对于疏水性较弱、水溶性较好的啶虫脒,亲水性越强的木钠对其润湿效果越好;对于强疏水性的石蜡和多菌灵,亲水性越弱的木钠对其润湿性更好。 Macroporous resin adsorption and ultrafiltration were applied to prepare six sodium lignosulphonate( SL) fractions with different hydrophilicity. Their hydrophilicity,surface activity and the wettability against two hydrophobic surfaces of paraffin and pesticide were determined. The results showed that macroporous resin adsorption was feasible to classify sodium lignosulphonate according to their hydrophilicity.The SL adsorbed by strong polar macroporous resin had stronger hydrophilicity and weaker surface activity. The wettability of different SL fractions against paraffin and pesticide surface suggested that the hydrophilicity of SL should match the hydrophilicity of the surface to be wetted. As for acetamiprid,it had weak hydrophobicity and good water solubility,the SL with stronger hydrophilicity had better wettability. But for paraffin and carbendazim,the wettability of SL with weaker hydrophilicity would be better.
出处 《中国造纸》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第12期27-31,共5页 China Pulp & Paper
基金 国家国际科技合作专项(2013DFA41670)
关键词 木素磺酸钠 大孔树脂 亲水性 润湿性 sodium lignosulphonate macroporous resin hydrophilicity wettability
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