目的探讨苏州市老年人慢性病的患病公平性及影响因素。方法采用分层整群随机抽样,在苏州市抽取8个社区进行调查。结果 4399名被调查老年人慢性病患病率达69.6%,老年人慢性病患病的收入集中指数为0.057,文化程度集中指数为0.022。不同年龄、婚姻状况、居住状况、收入、文化程度、原职业类型、个人生活行为习惯的老年人慢性病患病率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),Logistic回归分析发现年龄大、原职业类型偏脑力劳动者,无配偶、从不食用保健品为慢性病患病的危险因素。结论苏州市老年人慢性病患病收入公平性最差,文化程度公平性较好;年龄大、偏脑力劳动者、无配偶、从不食用保健品为慢性病患病的危险因素。
Objective To understand the equity and influencing factors of chronic diseases in elderly people in Suzhou. Method Eight communities were surveyed with stratified and cluster sampling in Suzhou. Findings The total prevalent rate of 4399 older people was 69.6% . The income concentration index of the elderly people with chronic diseases was 0. 057 and the education concentration index was 0. 022. The difference of chronic disease prevalence rate in the elderly people of different ages, marital status, living conditions, income, education level, the former occupation type and personal life behavior habits was statistically significant ( P 〈 0.05). Analysis of logistic regression showed that aging, the original occupation type of partial mental work, having no spouse and inconsumption of health products were risk factors. Conclusion The income equity of chronic diseases was the worst and the level of education equity was fairly good. The original occupation type of partial mental work, having no spouse and inconsumption of health products were risk factors of chronic diseases.
Health Research