为了进一步提高对临汾市雾霾的预测以及防治效果,从而避免、减轻雾霾天气对人类造成的交通、健康等危害。根据临汾市2013年11月—2014年3月自动气象站对PM_(1.0)、PM_(2.5)、PM_(10)、能见度、相对湿度、气温等的观测资料,利用临汾市1954—2014年12—3月的降水日数和静风日数的统计资料,利用数理统计、线性拟合、多元回归等方法,分析临汾市秋冬季雾霾与天气气象要素之间的关联。结果表明:风速、气压、气温都会对空气的能见度产生影响,其中风速的影响最大,风速每增大1 m/s,能见度增加3.3 km;气温、相对湿度、风速、能见度均与PM_(2.5)呈负相关,风速与PM_(2.5)浓度值的负相关程度最大,风速每增大1 m/s,PM_(2.5)的浓度值减少65.2μg/m^3;静风日数以0.98 d/10 a的速率减少,而降水日数以0.07 d/10 a的速率减少。
The paper aims to further improve the haze prediction and control in Linfen City, to avoid andreduce the traffic and health hazards caused by haze weather. According to the observation data of PM1.0, PM2.5and PM10, visibility, relative humidity and temperature from November 2013 to March 2014 recorded by theautomatic meteorological station in Linfen City, the authors used data of rainy days and no wind days fromDecember to March during 1954-2014, the mathematical statistics, linear fitting and multivariate regressionmethod, to analyze the relationship between fog haze and meteorological factors in autumn and winter in LinfenCity. The results showed that the wind speed, air pressure and temperature would affect the air visibility, windspeed had the biggest influence, wind speed increased per 1 m/s, visibility increased 3.3 km; temperature,relative humidity, wind speed and visibility were negatively correlated to PM2.5, wind speed and PM2.5 level hadthe biggest negative correlation degree, wind speed increased per 1 m/s, PM2.5 reduced 65.2 μg/m3; no winddays were reducing at a rate of about 0.98 d/10 a, and rainy days were reducing at a rate of about 0.07 d/10 a.
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
Linfen City
fog and haze weather
weather factors
climate analysis