目的调查西安市居民对社区卫生服务的满意度并探索其影响因素,为进一步改善和提高社区卫生服务质量提供依据。方法采用整群随机抽样的方法,在西安市5个社区调查了1 217名社区居民,采用方差分析、多元回归分析等方法进行统计分析。结果本次调查中有40.8%的居民从来未接受过社区卫生服务;其从不去社区服务站就医的主要原因有:对社区服务站诊疗水平不放心,占20.72%,社区服务站离家远不方便,占20.52%;不了解社区服务站的占19.11%。通过对曾经去过社区服务中心就医的居民的满意度分析,最满意的为社区卫生服务距离近,方便就诊,其次是对医务人员服务态度以及就医环境较为满意。针对居民总体满意度得分的影响因素分析发现,文化程度、收入、年龄和职业是其主要影响因素。结论西安市居民去社区卫生服务站就医的比例仍比较低,主要是因为对社区服务站不了解,对其医疗水平不放心。建议政府部门加大投入,加大宣传力度,提高社区卫生服务人员业务素质和医疗水平,提升社区卫生服务基础设施。
Objective To provide a basis for further quality improvement of the Center of Community Service,the satisfaction of the community health services for Xi'an residents was investigated,and the influence factors were analyzed. Methods Stratified random sampling was conducted,1217 community residents from five communities in Xi' an were investigated. Analysis of variance,linear regression and other statistical methods were applied. Results 40. 8 percent of the residents had never received community health services; they never went to community service centers for medical treatment for two reasons: they did not trust the diagnosis and treatment of the stations( 20. 72),because of inconvenience,( 20. 52%); had no idea about the service of the station( 19. 11%). Through the satisfaction analysis of the residents who had visited the community service center for medical treatment,the most satisfactory point was convenient to have treatment,followed by the attitude of the medical staff and medical environment. Education level,income,age and occupation were the main factors influencing the overall satisfaction score. Conclusion The proportion of Xi'an residents consulting the community health service was still relatively low,mainly because of lacking understanding and did not trust their medical technology. The government should increase investment and publicity efforts,not only to improve the quality and treatment level of community health service,but also their infrastructure.
Journal of Public Health and Preventive Medicine
Community health services