目的探讨无偿献血者血红蛋白(Hb)含量与献血后献血不良反应有无关联,更好地指导献血者选择适宜的献血量。方法测定献血者献血前及献血后(24-72)h内静脉血Hb含量,对献血者进行电话回访,并分析献血不良反应与Hb含量的关系。结果不同Hb含量分组之间献血不良反应发生率有差异性(χ2=40.575,P<0.05),Hb<130 g/L的献血者献血不良反应发生率明显高于Hb≥130 g/L的献血者(χ2=38.676 P<0.05);女性献血者献血不良反应发生率高于男性(P<0.05);献血前后Hb含量变化有统计学差异(t=8.817,P<0.05),差异性与献血量有关联性(r=0.391,P<0.05),与体重无关联性(r=0.087,P>0.05)。结论对于Hb含量在标准要求临界的献血者,献血量应以200 m L或300 m L为主;建议必要时提高我国献血者Hb含量标准。
Objective To explore whether the hemoglobin( Hb) content has relevance with adverse reactions from blood donation,and to better guide the selection of appropriate blood donation amount for blood donors. Methods The venous blood Hb content before and after blood donation( within 24 and 72 h) were determined. Phone call visits were conducted to blood donors. The relationship between adverse reactions due to blood donation and the amount of hemoglobin was analyzed. Results The incidence rates of adverse reaction differed among the groups with different amount of hemoglobin for donation. The adverse reaction rate of donors with Hb 〈130 g / L was significantly higher than those with Hb 〉130 g / L. Also,the adverse reaction rates in female blood donors is higher than those found in males. The Hb content before and after blood donation demonstrated statistical difference,showing a correlation with blood donation amount,but no correlation with weight. Conclusion For the donor with low Hb content,blood donation amount should be 200 m L or 300 m L and the minimum acceptable Hb content for blood donors could be raised when necessary.
Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion
volunteer blood donors
Hb content
adverse reaction to blood donation
blood donation volume