
印度莫迪政府的南海政策 被引量:2

The Policy on the South China Sea of Modi Government in India
摘要 在印度"东向政策"调整以及南海局势日益复杂化的背景下,新上台的印度莫迪政府出于攫取经济利益、推进大国战略、牵制中国以及强化印美关系等政治考量,通过公开就南海问题发声并加强军事部署等行动,深化与南海周边国家的合作,同时借助与美日协调在南海问题上的立场等方式积极介入南海问题,其政策体现出扩张性、独立性与灵活性等特点。 With the adjustments of India's'Look East'policy and the growing complex situation in the South China Sea,Modi government involves into South China Sea issue. India government strengthens its cooperation with countries in the South China Sea area by enhancing military deployment and releasing proposition,and coordinating its position on the South China Sea issue with the United States and Japan. Its policies appear to be offensive,independent and flexible.
作者 龚大明
出处 《东南亚南亚研究》 2015年第4期8-14,108,共7页 Southeast Asia & South Asian Studies
关键词 印度 莫迪政府 南海政策 南海问题 India Modi Government South China Sea Policy
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