
2014年全国血吸虫病疫情通报 被引量:95

Endemic status of schistosomiasis in People's Republic of China in 2014
摘要 本文通报了2014年全国血吸虫病疫情,并对全国血吸虫病预防控制工作数据和81个国家级血吸虫病监测点疫情监测数据进行了汇总和分析。截至2014年底,全国12个血吸虫病流行省(直辖市、自治区)中,上海、浙江、福建、广东、广西等省(直辖市、自治区)已达到传播阻断标准,四川、云南、江苏及湖北4省已达到传播控制标准,安徽、江西和湖南3省尚处于疫情控制阶段。全国共有453个血吸虫病流行县(市、区),流行县总人口2.51亿人;流行村30 048个,流行村总人口6 850.73万人。全国453个流行县(市、区)中,313个(占69.09%)达到传播阻断标准;135个(占29.80%)达到传播控制标准;疫情控制县(市、区)数由2013年的34个减少至5个(占1.10%)。2014年,全国推算血吸虫病人115 614人,较2013年的184 943人减少了37.49%;报告急性血吸虫病2例,较2013年减少7例;现存晚期血吸虫病30 880例;2014年全国共完成人群血吸虫病查病9 461 348人,共发现粪检阳性者8 270人,比2013年的16 865人减少了50.96%。2014年全国共有20 123个流行村开展了钉螺分布调查,5 653个村查出钉螺,占调查总数的28.09%;共新查出13个有螺村;共查螺576 506.37 hm2,发现钉螺面积364 324.42 hm2,其中新发现钉螺面积531.13 hm2,未发现感染性钉螺;血吸虫病流行区现有存栏耕牛919 579头,共检查耕牛494 620头,发现粪检阳性耕牛666头。2014年,全国81个国家级血吸虫病监测点居民和耕牛平均血吸虫感染率分别为0.11%和0.05%,未发现感染性钉螺。2014年,全国共治疗血吸虫病人280 855例,扩大化疗2 565 555人次;治疗病牛798头,扩大化疗耕牛408 690头次;开展药物灭螺总面积138 923.90 hm2,实际药物灭螺74 538.17 hm2,环境改造灭螺5 331.42 hm2。疫情数据分析显示,全国血吸虫病疫情进一步下降,但血吸虫病传播风险在局部地区仍然较大,仍需要加大防治及监测工作力度。 This report presented the endemic status of schistosomiasis in the People's Republic of China at national level in2014,and analyzed the data captured from the national schistosomiasis prevention and control system and 81 national schistosomiasis surveillance sites. Among the 12 provinces(municipality and autonomous region)endemic for schistosomiasis japonica in China,5 provinces(municipality and autonomous region) of Shanghai,Zhejiang,Fujian,Guangdong and Guangxi had achieved transmission interruption,4 provinces of Sichuan,Yunnan,Jiangsu and Hubei had achieved transmission control,and Anhui,Jiangxi and Hunan provinces were still at infection control until 2014. There were 453 counties(city,district)endemic for schistosomiasis,with 251 million residents,and 30 048 villages endemic for schistosomiasis,with 68 million 507 thousand and 3 hundred residents. Among the 453 endemic counties(city,district),69.09%(313/453)and 29.80%(135/453)endemic counties(city,district)reached the transmission interruption and transmission control respectively while the number of counties(city,district)at the stage of infection control reduced from 34 in 2013 to 5 in 2014(accounted for 1.10% of the total number of endemic counties,5/53). Till 2014,115 614 people were estimated to have schistosomiasis and only 2 acute schistosomiasis cases were reported. In addition,there were 30 880 advanced schistosomiasis cases documented in 2014. In2014,a total of 9 461 348 individuals received schistosomiasis examinations and 8 270 persons were found stool positives with the reduction rate of 50.96% as compared to that(16 865 cases)in 2013. The Oncomelania hupensis snail survey was performed in 20 123 endemic villages in 2014,and the snails were detected in 5 653 villages,which accounted for 28.09% of total villages,with 13 newly detected villages with snails. The snail survey covered an area of 576 506.37 hm2 and snails were found in an area of 364 324.42 hm2,including an area of 531.13 hm2 detected snails for the first time. No schistosome infected snails were found in 2014. A total of 919 579 head of cattle were raised in the schistosomiasis endemic areas of China. In 2014,494 620 head of cattle received examinations and only 666 were determined as stool positives. Based on the data from the 81 national schistosomiasis surveillance sites of China,the mean Schistosoma japonicum infection rate was 0.11% and 0.05% in humans and cattle respectively,and no infected snails were detected in 2014. There were 280 855 schistosomiasis cases receiving treatments,with 2 565 555 cases undergoing expanded chemotherapy;there were 798 head of cattle with schistosomiasis receiving treatments,with 408 690 head of cattle undergoing expanded chemotherapy;there was a total 138 923.90 hm2 area with snail control by using molluscicides,with actual mollusciciding of 74 538.17 hm2;and there was an environmental modification of 5 331.42 hm2. These data demonstrate a decline in the endemic city of schistosomiasis in China in 2014. However,the risk of schistosomiasis transmission remains high in some regions. Further control and effective surveillance should be strengthened to consolidate the achievements and reduce the endemic situation of schistosomiasis in China.
出处 《中国血吸虫病防治杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期563-569,共7页 Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control
基金 国家科技重大专项(2012ZX10004220) 中英全球卫生支持项目(GHSP-CS-OP1-01)
关键词 血吸虫病 疫情 监测 中国 Schistosomiasis Endemic status Surveillance China
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