
农民工反生产行为影响因素及其作用机制研究 被引量:12

Research on the Influence Factors and Action Mechanism of CWB about Rural Migrant Workers
摘要 农民工反生产行为不仅严重阻碍流动人口社会融合进程,也成为新型城镇化建设的阻力。本文运用全国1 514名农民工的调查数据,利用描述性统计、多元线性回归方法,基于"挫折-攻击"、"压力源-情绪"理论探讨农民工反生产行为现状、关键影响因素及其作用机制。结果表明,农民工反生产行为较为普遍,其影响因素主要来自于他人的不公正对待,具体表现在由受教育程度、工作经验、农村户籍引发的雇佣歧视;雇佣歧视不仅直接引发农民工反生产行为,还会通过消极情绪间接导致反生产行为。企业与政府应从推进社会公平、消除雇佣歧视、缓解消极情绪等方面入手减少农民工反生产行为,促进社会和谐发展。 The counterproductive workplace behavior(CWB)of migrant workers not only seriously hinders the social integration process of floating population,but also has become a serious resistance of urbanization construction. Based on the"frustration-aggression"theory,the"stressor-emotion"theory and the survey data of 1514 migrant workers across the country,using descriptive statistics and multivariate linear regression method,this study discusses the present situation,the key influence factors and its action mechanism of CWB of migrant workers. The results show that the CWB of migrant workers is really common;and its main influence factor is the unfair treatment from others,specifically the employment discrimination against educational level,work experience and rural household register;employment discrimination not only causes CWB directly,but also leads to CWB through negative emotions indirectly. Companies and the government should promote social fairness,eliminate employment discrimination and alleviate negative emotions to reduce the CWB of migrant workers.
作者 王弘钰 王辉
机构地区 吉林大学商学院
出处 《人口学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期108-112,共5页 Population Journal
基金 国家社会科学基金项目:农民工雇佣歧视及其反生产行为研究(12BGL056) 国家社会科学基金重点项目:我国企业劳动关系和谐指数构建与应用研究(12AJY001) 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目:中国新生代农民工收入状况与消费行为研究(12JZD028) 吉林省社科基金项目:吉林省农民工雇佣歧视及其反生产行为研究(2012B06)
关键词 反生产行为 影响因素 雇佣歧视 消极情绪 农民工 Counterproductive Workplace Behavior Influence Factors Employment Discrimination Negative Emotions Migrant Workers
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