1The U. S. Census Bureau. 2010 CENSUS INTEGRATED COMMUNICATIONS CAMPAIGN PLAN [ EB/OL ]. http://2010. census.gov/2010census/. August 2008.
2The U.S. Census Bureau. Questions Planned for the 2010 Census and American Community Survey [ EB/OL]. http://2010, census, gov/ 2010census/. March 2008.
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4Macro International Inc. Census Barriers, Attitudes, and Motivators Survey[ EB/OL]. http://2010, census, gov/2010census/, January 2009.
8David Yaukey.Demography Waveland Press,Inc.1990.
9Charles H.Alexander:Still Rolling:Leslie Kish’s“,Rolling Samples”and the American Community Survey,Pruceeding of Statistics Canada Symposium 2001.