TI公司的CC3200是一款基于ARM Cortex-M4处理器核的微控制器,是TI SimpleLink产品线上的一员,其具有既方便又强大的Wi-Fi网络通信能力。本文利用CC3200这些特性,结合MMA7260加速度传感器,设计了一种新型的以Wi-Fi作为组网模式的无线加速度检测系统,其主要应用方向为检测人的跌倒等情况。
The CC3200 MCU is produced by TI company based on ARM Cortex-M4, which belongs to TI SimpleLink product line. CC3200 has powerful Wi-Fi network communication ability. In this paper,a new wireless acceleration detection system is designed using CC3200 and MMA7260 acceleration sensor, which takes Wi-Fi as the networking model. The system can be used for the falling detection.
Microcontrollers & Embedded Systems