随着云计算和互联网的快速发展,云计算技术也不断地影响和促进信息化教学的发展。桌面虚拟化通过KVM虚拟化技术和云计算技术相结合,将用户桌面环境和计算环境解耦合。SPICE协议作为开源的虚拟桌面传输协议能够在服务器和远程用户终端上部署虚拟桌面。在Open Stack中使用KVM虚拟化技术搭建服务器集群,能够实现海量计算能力和灵活的资源分配机制,提高了云平台的安全性和稳定性。用户通过客户端获得便捷的虚拟桌面环境,数据中心将虚拟资源集中式管理,便于教育资源的统一和安全管理,降低学校的运维和人力成本,节省硬件资源。
With the rapid development of cloud computing and Internet,the cloud computing technology has constantly influenced and promoted the development of information-based teaching. The desktop virtualization technology is used to decouple the user′s desktop environment and computing environment by combining KVM virtualization technology with cloud computing technology. SPICE protocol taking as the transfer protocol of the open source virtual desktop can deploy the virtual desktops in server and remote user terminal. The server cluster is established with KVM virtualization technology in Open Stack,which can achieve the massive computing power and flexible resource distribution mechanism,and improve the security and stability of the cloud platform. Users can get the convenient virtual desktop environment through the client. The virtual resources are integrally managed by the data center,which is convenient for the unification and security management to the educational resources,and can reduce the costs of operation and labor,and save the hardware resources.
Modern Electronics Technique