
铂基复合结构纳米电催化剂研究进展 被引量:1

Platinum-Based Electrocatalysts with Composite Nanostructures
摘要 基于不同组分间的物理效应,例如电子耦合效应和晶格应变效应,由半导体和铂等贵金属构成的复合结构纳米材料在电催化方面具有巨大的应用前景。目前这个研究领域主要目标包括:①开发普适性的实验技术制备半导体-贵金属复合结构纳米材料,了解制备的化学原理,为材料形貌结构的精确调控奠定基础;②解析复合纳米材料中各组分间电子耦合和晶格应变效应以期能够更加深入的强化材料性能;③探索这些复合纳米材料在电催化领域的应用。本文对这一领域的研究进展进行综述并对其后续的一些发展进行预期和评估。 Composite nanomaterials composed of semiconductor and noble metals (e.g. platinum) have exhibited superior application in electrocatalysis due to the electronic coupling effect and lateral strain effect among their different components. The primary objectives in this research area include:① to develop universal strategies for the fabrication of semiconductor-noble metal nanocomposites and to understand the mechanism behind the preparation so that the structure/morphology of the nanocomposites could be tuned more precisely;② to reveal the electronic coupling effect and lateral strain effect among different components in the nanocomposites so that the performance of the materials could be further enhanced;③ to explore the applications of the nanocomposites in electrocatalysis. Herein, we will review the recent advances in this research field and make an expectation/evaluation for its future developments.
出处 《贵金属》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第A01期129-138,共10页 Precious Metals
基金 国家自然科学基金(21173226、21376247、21476246).
关键词 半导体 贵金属 复合纳米材料 电子耦合 晶格应变 电催化 semiconductor noble metal nanocomposites electronic coupling effect lateral strain effect electrocatalysis
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