
Understanding Différance

Understanding Différance
摘要 Différance, coined by Jacques Derrida, deserves our special attention because it is of great signifi cance not only to understanding what Derrida means by deconstruction but aslo to applying the deconstructionist reading strategy to textual analysis. Under the infl uence of Saussure's linguistic view, Derrida invented this term as part of his attempt to reveal both linguistic instability and literary ambivalence. Differance, coined by Jacques Derrida, deserves our special attention because it is of great significance not only to understanding what Den'ida means by deconstruction but aslo to applying the deconstruetionist reading strategy to textual analysis. Under the influence of Saussure's linguistic view, Derrida invented this term as part of his attempt to reveal both linguistic instability and literary ambivalence.
作者 郑莹
出处 《英语广场(学术研究)》 2016年第1期36-38,共3页 English Square
关键词 DIFFERANCE LINGUISTIC INSTABILITY LITERARY AMBIVALENCE differance linguistic instability literary ambivalence
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