

Relief Damage Caused by the Wild Animals under the Perspective of Ecological Compensation——In the Case of Hubei Shiyan Hunting Wild Boars
摘要 2015年9月,一则关于"湖北十堰猎捕野猪"的新闻引起舆论的广泛关注。以此为契机,可以发现我国现行的野生动物致害救济机制存在明显的缺陷。以野猪为代表的"三有"野生动物,在受法律保护不得非法猎`捕的同时,其造成的损害又排除在国家补偿范围之外,而地方政府关于野生动物致害的配套制度缺失,限量猎补的行为在公众眼里仍存在争议。从生态补偿的角度来看,野生动物致害补偿兼具行政行为和市场行为的双重属性,完全可以在现有的国家补偿的基础上,引入市场化色彩浓厚的生态补偿机制,构建起一套既有国家立法又有地方配套制度,既重事后补偿又重事前防范,既有行政手段又有市场机制的野生动物致害救济机制。 In September 2015,news about the"Hubei Shiyan hunting wild boar"caused widespread concern of public opinion. Taking this as an opportunity,we can find that the current system of the wild animals in China has obvious defects. With wild boar as representative wild animal which has benefit,economic or scientific research value,under legal protection may not be illegal hunting and causing the damage have been excluded from the outside of the scope of state compensation,and the local government lack of supporting systems about wildlife damage,limited hunting behavior is still controversial in the eyes of the public. From the point of view of ecological compensation,the compensation of wild animals has the dual attributes of administrative behavior and market behavior,the ecological compensation mechanism with market oriented color could be introduced based on current state compensation,a set of relief damage mechanism caused by wild animals was established which has national legislation and local supporting system,prevention and compensation,administrative means and market mechanism.
作者 郑坤 万雅琴
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2015年第34期257-260,共4页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
基金 湖北省高校人文社会科学重点研究基地汉水文化研究基地项目(2015B06) 郧阳师范高等专科学校校级科研项目(2014C20)
关键词 生态补偿 野生动物致害 “三有”野生动物 国家补偿 救济机制 Ecological compensation Damage caused by wild animals Wild animals with benefit economic or scientific research value State compensation Relief mechanism
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