
下前牙区多生牙2例 被引量:1

Two cases of supernumerary teeth located in the mandibular incisor region
摘要 多生牙是比正常牙列额外多牙齿的一种牙齿发育异常,上颌前牙区最为常见,其次是上颌磨牙区,有时也可出现在下颌磨牙及上下颌前磨牙区。本文报道2例下前牙区5颗下切牙病例。 Supernumerary teeth are commonly affected by dentin dysplasia, a condition manifested when the number of teeth exceeds that of normal teeth. Supernumerary teeth are usually tbund in maxillary anterior areas and in maxillary molar areas. In other instances, supernumerary teeth are located in mandibular molar areas and mandibular premolar areas. In this report, two cases possessed five incisors located in the mandibular anterior region.
作者 彭佳美
出处 《国际口腔医学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第1期34-35,共2页 International Journal of Stomatology
关键词 多生牙 下前牙区 牙齿发育异常 supernumerary teeth mandibular incisor region dentin dysplasia
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