
健康儿童口腔微生物的定植 被引量:10

The colonization of oral bacteria in healthy children
摘要 人体是一个由真核细胞和共生在体内的微生物群落共同构成的超级生物体。口腔,作为微生物进入身体的门户,其微生物群落的正常确立及平衡维持对口腔局部及全身系统的健康都有非常重要的作用。在母体内,婴儿就开始不断发生人与人或人与环境之间的紧密接触,从而与微生物之间建立密切联系。不同的生产方式,不同的喂养方式均能影响微生物在新生儿口腔中的定植。在乳牙列期,乳牙萌出为微生物的定植提供了新的生态位点,口腔微生物的构成随之发生变化。随着恒牙的萌出,口腔环境进一步变化,微生物的定植也发生变化直至成熟,即微生物定植种类更加丰富,牙周致病菌的定植也显著增加。 A superogranism consisting of eukaryotic cells and microbial communities that symbiose in the human body. Mouth, as the entrance of microorganisms into human body, harbors one of the most complex ecosystem and microbiome of the human. The normal colonization and balance of the oral microbial community are essential for maintaining oral and systematic health. The oral microbiome varies most during childhood, when contact with external microbes is highest. In the first few months of life, the major influences on the oral microbial succession are from person-to-person transmission, mode of feeding, and microbial cross-talk. In the edentulous stage, microbial adhersion occurs only to the oral mucosa. With the eruption of the first teeth, a new ecological event takes place in the oral environment, with the emergence of new adhesion surfaces. So this happens when permanent teeth erupt.
出处 《国际口腔医学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第1期57-61,共5页 International Journal of Stomatology
关键词 口腔微生物 早期定植 年龄 oral microbiome early colonization age
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