

Research on Stiffness Damping Characteristics of Sliding Bearing Based on FLUENT
摘要 为获得更精确的滑动轴承等效油膜支承,针对滑动轴承沿轴向方向存在不同的刚度阻尼,将滑动轴承沿轴向方向等分为多个截面,探索了滑动轴承多截面等效刚度阻尼的计算分析方法。基于N-S方程,结合FLUENT中的动网格方法,建立了多截面、多工况的滑动轴承仿真分析模型,计算得到沿轴向方向的多截面和不同转速下单一截面的径向等效刚度阻尼的变化规律,为进一步考虑滑动轴承等效结合部参数的转子系统动力学研究提供了参考依据。 In order to obtain more accurate equivalent oil film bearing for sliding bearing,as stiffness and damping vary along the axis of sliding bearing,the bearing is divided into several cross sections to research the analysis method to calculate the equivalent stiffness damping.Based on NS equations,using dynamic grid model of FLUENT,the simulation analysis model of variable section and condition for sliding bearing is built,and laws of variation of equivalent stiffness damping of onesection along the axis and in different rotation speeds is obtained.This provides reference basis for the further studies of the integration of the joint equivalent parameters of the rotor system dynamics.
出处 《机械与电子》 2015年第12期14-18,共5页 Machinery & Electronics
基金 国家自然研究科学基金项目(11002062 1462008) 昆明理工大学引进人才启动基金资助项目(KKSA201101018)
关键词 滑动轴承 动网格 刚度阻尼 多截面 多工况 sliding bearing dynamic grid stiff-ness and damping damping variable section variable condition
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