
美国土地发展权转让定价主体、模型、制度的演进及启示 被引量:4

Evolution and Inspiration of Pricing Subject,Pricing Model,Pricing System of Transferable Development Rights in the United States
摘要 文章按时间顺序系统梳理了美国私人自由市场下土地发展权转让的产生背景及定价主体与模型,政府调控土地发展权转让的组织机构与相关制度的形成及制度的执行效果,政府调控与市场机制协调作用下土地发展权转让定价主体与模型、制度对定价主体与模型的影响及定价主体与模型对制度的再影响。中国目前推行的征地补偿政策缺失了土地发展权对价,导致土地开发配置呈现"底部竞争"势态,应充分借鉴美国土地发展权转让及其定价经验,建立适用中国特色的土地发展权转让定价模型,并以非营利组织形式确立中国特色的土地发展权组织管理制度。 This paper chronologically clarifies three aspects:the background of transferable development rights and pricingsubject and pricing model under the US private free market;the formation of organizations of transferable development rightsregulated by the government and the relevant system and the effect of the implementation of the system;pricing subject andpricing model under the coordinating role of government regulation and market mechanism,the influence of the system onpricing subject and pricing model as well as the re-influence of pricing subject and pricing model on the system. China's cur-rent land expropriation compensation policy lacks the equivalent value of transferable development rights,resulting in the con-figuration of land development presenting"the competition at the bottom". Accordingly,China should make full use of the ex-perience of the US transferable development rights and its pricing,and establish transferable development rights pricing mod-el and organization management system in the form of nonprofit organization with Chinese characteristics.
出处 《华东经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期171-178,共8页 East China Economic Management
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(14BJY150) 国家自然科学基金项目(71573075 71273084 71073051)
关键词 土地发展权转让 土地发展权转让银行 定价主体 定价模型 定价制度 transferable development rights transferable development rights bank pricing subject pricing model pricing system
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