
基于低碳模式下的城市客运交通结构优化研究 被引量:6

A Study on Optimization of Urban Transit Systems under a Low-Carbon Mode
摘要 随着低碳模式逐渐获得人们的重视,构建低碳、环保、低耗、高效、安全的交通发展模式势在必行。现有国内外研究多集中于通过能源消耗或客运周转量作为目标对交通结构进行优化。在这种情况下,利用碳足迹计算公式,将人均碳足迹最小和城市客运交通运输效率最大作为目标,以城市市民出行需求总量、发达城市能源消耗限值、居民可达性以及各类交通方式的运力上限作为约束条件,构建出低碳高效的城市客运交通优化模型。运用该模型对2020年北京市客运交通结构进行配置,并与传统的客运交通结构进行对比,结果表明新的客运交通结构的交通运输能效要比传统的模式有一定的提升,同时人均碳足迹降低了5.965g/人,下降了13.7%。研究结果表明,通过低碳模式进行优化后的城市客运交通结构具有一定的合理性,对于研究符合城市发展的低碳客运交通发展模式具有借鉴作用。 With the low-carbon mode gradually gets people′s attention,it is imperative to establish a low-carbon,environmental,low-consumption,efficient and safe mode of transportation systems.Existing studies in China and abroad focused on the target of using energy consumption or passenger turnover quantity to optimize the transportation structure.The study develops a low-carbon and optimization model for urban transit systems with the use of carbon footprint calculation formula.Taking the minimum carbon footprint per capita and maximum urban transit system efficiency as the targets,and using travel demand of citizens,developed urban energy consumption limits,accessibility of residents and transport capacity of all kinds of transportation modes as the constraints.The public transit systems of Beijing in 2020 are optimized using this model.The results indicate that the efficiency of new public transit systems is better than the traditional one,and per capita carbon footprint drops 5.965g/person,which is 13.7%less than the traditional one.The study results demonstrate the feasibility of optimizing the urban public transit systems through low-carbon mode.It will also encourage the cities to adopt a low-carbon mode for their public transit systems.
出处 《交通信息与安全》 2015年第5期16-22,共7页 Journal of Transport Information and Safety
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(批准号:51268017 61263024)资助
关键词 城市交通 低碳交通 客运交通结构优化 碳足迹 IPCC评估测算 urban transit systems low carbon transport optimize passenger traffic structure carbon footprint IPCC calculation method
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