
原料铜和氯元素对二噁英排放的影响及抑制技术 被引量:12

Influences of Cu and Cl elements from raw materials on the emission of PCDD/Fs and its emissionreduction technology
摘要 对烧结原料中铜、氯元素对二噁英排放浓度的影响进行了研究。结果表明,烧结原料中铜、氯元素质量分数明显影响烟气中二噁英排放浓度。和基准试验相比,原料中铜质量分数由0.02%提高到0.04%,二噁英排放浓度(TEQ)由0.55提高到0.69 ng/m3;原料中氯质量分数由0.04%提高到0.06%,二噁英排放浓度(TEQ)由0.55提高到0.82 ng/m3。在烧结原料中添加少量的尿素可以显著降低二噁英排放浓度,尿素添加量为0.035%,在上述条件下,二噁英排放浓度均可降低65%以上。 The effects of Cu and Cl elements from raw materials on the emission of PCDD/Fs were carried out in this pa-per. The results show that the contents of Cu and Cl elements affectsignificantly the emission of PCDD/Fsduring the iron ore sintering process. Compared with the based test,when the content of Cu element increased from 0.02%to 0.04%,the concentration of PCDD/Fs was enhanced(TEQ)from 0.55 to 0.69 ng/m3;while the concentration of PCDD/Fs was en-hanced(TEQ)from 0.55 to 0.82 ng/m3 when the content of Cl element increased from 0.04%to 0.06%. It is an effective way to reduce the emission of PCDD/Fs by adding urea in the granules. The emission of PCDD/Fs could drop by 65%when 0.035%urea was added into the granules.
出处 《钢铁》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第12期42-46,共5页 Iron and Steel
基金 国家自然科学基金与宝钢联合资助项目(U1260101) 安徽省科技攻关资助项目(1501041126)
关键词 铁矿烧结 二(噁)英 铜/氯元素 减排 iron ore sintering PCDD/Fs Cu and Cl elements emission reduction
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