目的建立健康人群中性粒细胞体积、浆核比例、胞浆颗粒的参考区间并探讨其在细茵感染和急性髓系白血病中的应用。方法挑选2014年1-6月159例健康体检标本(男性79例,女性80例),80例血液细菌感染标本和59例急性髓系白血病标本,统计分析健康男性与女性中性粒细胞VCS参数(MNV,MNC,MNS)的差异性并建立其参考区间;同时分析该指标在健康人群、细菌感染与急性髓系白血病中的表达差异性并分析原因。结果男性与女性中性粒细胞VCS参数MNV(fl),MNC,MNS分别为140.1±7.9,161.5±4.5,155.7±6.5和140.3±7.6,162.9±3.8,155.3±9.7,采用独立样本t检验,两组间差异无统计学意义(t值分别为0.681,0.423和0.395,均P〉0.05),建立健康人群中性粒细胞VCS参数参考区间:MNV140.2±7.7 fl,MNC 162.2±4.4,MNS 155.5±8.2;MNV(fl),MNC,MNS在健康人、细菌感染和急性髓系白血病中的表达分别为140.2±7.7,162.2±4.4,155.5±8.2;168.3i13.7,154.2±5.5,133.2±11.1和180.1±13.9,150.9±10.7,125.1±17.1。采用非参数检验,三组间的差异有统计学意义(H值分别为58.683,43.101和37.536,均P〈0.05);健康人和细菌感染组间的差异具有统计学意义(z值分别为-6.545,-6.104和-4.325,均P〈0.05),健康人和急性髓系白血病组间的差异有统计学意义(z值分别为-5.337,-3.867和-5.264,均P〈0.05),但是细菌感染和急性髓系白血病组间的表达差异无统计学意义(z值分别为-0.843,-0.811和-1.177,均P〉0.05)。结论中性粒细胞VCS参数的表达不受性别的影响,可作为一种快速、经济的临床筛检指标,提示细菌感染和白血病等疾病的存在。
Objective To establish the reference intervals of the neutrophil volume, nucleus-cytoplasm ratio and the granules of plasma in healthy subjects,and discuss its application in bacterial infection and acute myeloid leukemia. Methods Selected 159 healthy specimens (including 79 males and 80 females) ,80 cases of bacterial infections of the blood samples and 59 acute myeloid leukemia specimens from 2014 1-6 month. Analysed the difference of neutrophil VCS (MNV, MNC, MNS)expression between healthy male and female and to established its reference intervals. At the same time,analysed the different ex pression of the index in healthy population and bacterial infection, healthy people and acute myeloid leukemia, bacterial infec- tion and leukemia expression and analysed the reason. Results The neutrophil VCS parameters (MNV, MNC,MNS) of male and female were 140. 1±7.9 fl,161.5±4.5,155.7±6.5 and 140.3±7.6 fl,162.9±3.8,155.3±9.7 respectively. The difference between the two groups were not statistically significant(t value were 0. 681,0. 423 and 0. 395, all P〉0.05) by using the independent sample t test, then established the reference intervals of neutrophil VCS parameters:MNV 140.2±7.7 fl,MNC 162.2±4.4,MNS 155.5±8.2. The MNV(fl),MNC,MNS level of heahhy people,bacterial infection and leu kemia were 140.2±7.7,162.2±4.4,155.5±8.2;168.3±13.7,154.2±5.5,133.2±11.1 and 180.1±13.9,150.9±10.7,125.1±17.1 respectively. The difference among the three groups was statistically significant(H value were 58. 683, 43. 101 and 37. 536 ,all P〈0.05) ,the difference between healthy people and patients was statistically significant (z valuewere -6. 545,-6. 104 and -4. 325, all P〈0.05), the difference between healthy people and patients with leukemia was sta- tistically significant (z value were - 5. 337, - 3. 867 and 5. 264, all P〈0.05), but the difference in patients with acute myeloid leukemia and bacterial infection was not statistically significant (z value were -0. 843,-0.811 and -1. 177, all P 〉0.05) by using non parametric test. Conclusion The expression of neutrophil VCS parameters is not influenced by gen der, that can be a kind of fast and economic clinical screening index to effectively filter bacterial infection and leukemia.
Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine
VCS parameters
reference intervals
bacterial infection
acute myeloid leukemia
differential expression