
宜昌市2004-2014年淋病、梅毒流行趋势分析 被引量:18

The epidemic trend analysis of Gonorrhea and Syphilis in Yichang from 2004 to 2014
摘要 目的了解宜昌市2004—2014年淋病、梅毒发病趋势和流行特点,为制定性病防治策略和措施提供理论依据。方法对宜昌市医疗机构2004—2014年网络直报的淋病和梅毒病例进行描述性流行病学分析。结果宜昌市2004—2014年分别报告淋病、梅毒4 170例和5 360例,淋病年均报告发病率为9.53/10万,报告发病率呈逐年下降趋势(χ^2=32.58,P〈0.001),从2004年23.18/10万下降到2014年4.85/10万;梅毒年均报告发病率为12.26/10万,报告发病率呈逐年上升趋势(χ^2=32.08,P〈0.001),从2004年3.55/10万上升到2014年18.87/10万。2004—2014年淋病报告病例男女性别比为3.25:1,而梅毒为0.67:1。宜昌市淋病、梅毒报告病例均以20~49岁年龄组性活跃人群为主,分别占82.88%和67.05%;60岁以上年龄组淋病、梅毒报告病例所占比例均增大。淋病、梅毒病例分布于宜昌市各行各业,11年间,农民、家务及待业、工人一直是淋病、梅毒病例报告的前三大职业。各县市区淋病、梅毒报告病例分布不均衡,淋病、梅毒报告病例数均以西陵区最多,分别占23.38%和20.91%。结论 2004—2014年宜昌市梅毒疫情呈上升趋势,淋病疫情呈下降趋势,性活跃人群依然是性病防治工作的重点人群,应加强性病防控工作。 Objective To understand the incidence trend and epidemic characteristics of gonorrhea and syphilis inYi Chang from 2004 to 2014,in order to provide a theoretical basis for the prevention and control strategies and measures ofthe formulation of venereal disease.Methods Implemented the descriptive epidemiological analyses for gonorrhea andsyphilis incidence from the direct network reporting system in Yichang during 2004-2014. Results Gonorrhea and syphiliscases were reported 4 170 and 5 360 in Yichang City from 2004 to 2014, respectively. The incidence of gonorrhea annualreport was 9.53/100,000 and the reported incidence showed a declining trend year by year(χ^2=32.58,P〈0.001)), down from23.18/ 100 000 in 2004 to 4.85/100 000 in 2014. The incidence of syphilis, an annual report of 12.26/100 000, showed anrising trend(χ^2=32.08,P〈0.001), upward from 3.55/100 000 in 2004 to 18.87/100 000 in 2014. For gonorrhea, the male/female ratio was 3.25:1 from 2004 to 2014. On the contrary, the syphilis was 0.67:1. The main groups of gonorrhea and syphiliscases in Yichang were both sexually active 20- 49 years old people, taking up 82.88% and 67.05% respectively. Theproportions of gonorrhea and syphilis cases in the 60-age group were increased. Gonorrhea and syphilis cases distributed in allkinds of occupations in Yichang city. During the eleven years, farmers, household chores and unemployment, workers had beenthe top three professional in gonorrhea and syphilis cases reporting. The distribution of gonorrhea and syphilis cases was notbalanced among different districts. Among them, both of gonorrhea and syphilis cases were mostly reported in Xiling district,accounting for 23.38% and 20.91% respectively. Conclusion The epidemic of syphilis presented rising trend in Yichangfrom 2004 to 2014. Gonorrhea, however, showed the opposite trend. Sexually active population is still the major target of theprevention and control work,we should strengthen the prevention and control of sexually transmitted diseases.
出处 《中国热带医学》 CAS 2015年第12期1452-1455,共4页 China Tropical Medicine
关键词 淋病 梅毒 流行趋势 流行特点 Gonorrhea Syphilis Epidemic trend Epidemic characteristics
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