

Study on dynamic changes of physical development between eastern and western Han nationality college students in China
摘要 目的揭示中国东西部汉族大学生体质差异变化特征。方法应用文献资料法和加权平均值数理统计法,将1985年和2010年两次中国学生体质与健康调研东部和西部汉族大学生体质数据进行统计和对比分析。结果此两个时期,东部大学生身高、体重及东部城男大学生胸围高于西部大学生,差异具有统计学意义;东部大学生肺活量优于西部大学生。东、西部大学生身高、体重及城女胸围均增加,且东部增幅大于西部,男大学生胸围均减小且东部减幅小于西部,东部乡村女大学生胸围增加而西部减小;所有大学生肺活量、50米跑、耐力跑和引体向上呈下降趋势,东部下降幅度和速度高于西部;立定跳远和仰卧起坐呈提高趋势,西部立定跳远提高幅度和速度高于东部,而仰卧起低于东部。结论东部大学生身体形态、身体机能优于西部大学生且呈拉大趋势,而身体素质差距呈缩小趋势,并且西部大学生部分身体素质逐步反超东部大学生。 Objective To reveal the dynamic variation characteristics of physical differences among college students of Hannationality between eastern and western of China.MethodsBy using the method of literature and weighted averagemathematical statistics, a statistical and comparative analysis of the physical data based on Chinese students' physique andhealth researches in 1985 and 2010 were compared.ResultsDuring the two periods, the height, weight and chestcircumference of male students in the eastern is higher than that of the western with the statistically significant differences;the vital capacity of college students in the eastern is better than that of the western. The height, weight of all the studentsand chest circumference of city female have increased,increased rate of the eastern students hither than that of thewestern. The chest circumference of male students of all were decreased and the reducing degree in the eastern is lessthan that of the west.The chest circumference of eastern rural female students had increased while the west is reduced;FVC, 50 m run, endurance and pull ups of the all students have reduced in Eastern decreased amplitude and velocity ishigher than that of the West; standing long jump and sit-ups showed increasing trend for both. The improved amplitudeand velocity of standing long jump of the west is higher than that of the East, and sit-ups is lower than that in the East.ConclusionThe body shape and body function of college students in the eastern part China are better than in the westernwith an increase trend, while the gap of the physical quality is narrowing. Some parts of physical quality of the students inthe west gradually have surpassed that in the east.
作者 李国锋
机构地区 武威职业学院
出处 《中国公共卫生管理》 2015年第6期928-931,共4页 Chinese Journal of Public Health Management
关键词 东部 西部 大学生 体质 差异 动态变化 eastern part of China western part of China college students physique difference dynamic variation
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