

A Study of the School Mission and Tradition of Zibo Normal College
摘要 "全国中等师范学校深化改革全面提高质量座谈会"后,学校办学宗旨开始表述为"了解小学,研究小学,服务小学"。根据学校目前在校生结构,学校办学宗旨比较科学的提法应该是"面向小学幼儿园、研究小学幼儿园、服务小学幼儿园"。"面向小学幼儿园",要求学校按照小学幼儿园的实际需求培养学生、提供服务,教师必须具备"双师素质",学生在校期间必须按照小学幼儿园的需要去学习、去养成。"研究小学幼儿园",要求每位学科教师都要有强烈的研究小学幼儿园的意识,并在实际工作中找准其任教学科研究与小学幼儿园研究的结合点。"服务小学幼儿园",要求学校在研究中服务,在服务中研究,当务之急是加大力度培育在省内外有影响的、能够对小学幼儿园教育教学改革提供指导与咨询的领军人物和专家团队,不断提高服务小学幼儿园的能力。落实学校办学宗旨,必须坚定不移、理直气壮地"坚持师范性学术化、学术性师范化,促进学校教学与科研工作健康、协调发展"。 After "the National Forum for the Reform Deepening and the Comprehensive Quality Improvement of Secondary Normal Schools", our school began to express its mission as" to under- stand primary schools, to study primary schools, to serve primary schools". Based on the current student structure, the school mission should be scientifically worded as "to face primary schools and kindergartens, to study primary schools and kindergartens, to serve primary schools and kindergar- tens". "To face primary schools and kindergartens" requires our school to train students and provide service in accordance with the actual needs of primary schools and kindergartens. Teachers must have "double quality", and students must learn according to the needs of primary schools and kindergar- tens. "To study primary schools and kindergartens" requires every teacher to have a strong awareness of studying primary schools and kindergartens, and to find the binding point of his major and primary school and kindergartens. "To serve primary schools and kindergartens" requires the school to serve in the study, and study in the service. So the urgent task is to devote greater efforts to cultivate influ- ential experts who can provide guidance and advice for the teaching reform of primary schools and kin- dergartens so as to continuously improve the capabilities of serving them. To implement the school mission, we must unswervingly adhere to the combination of normal school and academy, and pro- mote the healthy, coordinated development of school teaching and research work.
作者 秦克铸
出处 《淄博师专学报》 2015年第4期3-13,共11页 Journal of Zibo Normal College
关键词 淄博师专 办学宗旨 面向小学幼儿园 研究小学幼儿园 服务小学幼儿园 Zibo Normal College school mission to face primary schools and kindergartens tostudy primary schools and kindergartens to serve primary schools and kindergartens
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