
光-煤互补复合发电系统综合性能分析 被引量:2

Comprehensive performance analysis of solar hybrid coal-fired power generation
摘要 将扩容蒸发式槽式太阳能蒸汽发生系统与600 MW燃煤机组联合,构建了光-煤互补复合发电系统,建立了其变工况计算模型及技术经济评价模型,从太阳能侧、汽轮机侧及复合发电系统3方面进行了热力性能分析及技术经济性评估。结果表明,光-煤互补复合发电系统具有显著的节能减排效果,系统产生的太阳能蒸汽取代汽轮机第1段抽汽时效果最为明显,太阳能侧各指标随取代抽汽段数增大呈阶段性下降趋势,太阳能到电能的转换效率最高为23.5%;各集成模式下的单值发电成本相差不大,平均为0.19元/(kW·h);从净现值判断取代第1段抽汽是较好的选择,从净现值率、盈利能力判断取代第2段抽汽是较好的选择。 Based on a volume expanding evaporative steam generation system and a 600 MW coal-fired power plant,a solar hybrid coal-fired power generation system was established.Moreover,the variable condition calculation model and techno-economic evaluation model for this hybrid system were built up,to analyze the thermodynamic and technology economy performance of the solar system,steam turbine and solar hybrid coal-fired power generation system.The results show that,the solar hybrid coal-fired power generation system has a significant energy saving effect,it is most obvious to replace the first extraction steam.The indexes of the solar system are generally in declining trend,when the solar steam replace from the 1st extraction steam to the 8th,the efficiency of solar energy to electrical energy conversion is up to 23.5%.The steam consumption rate and coal consumption rates were in a rising trend,the cycle thermal efficiency of the power generation systems is nearly 10%.In addition,the cost of electricity is nearly the same from each integrated mode,around 0.19yuan/(kW·h).Considering the net present value(NPV),replacing the first stage extraction steam is a better choice,but replacing the second stage extraction steam is better if considering the net present value ratio and profitability.The results may provide guidances for the application of solar hybrid coal-fired power generation system.
出处 《热力发电》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第12期1-6,18,共7页 Thermal Power Generation
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)(2013AA05040202) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(2015XS76)
关键词 扩容蒸发式 槽式 太阳能 蒸汽发生系统 光-煤互补复合发电系统 汽轮机 热力性能 经济性 volume expanding evaporative slot solar energy steam generation system solar hybrid coalfired power generation system steam turbine thermodynamic performance economy
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