
面向智慧园区的云计算平台设计 被引量:3

The Design of Cloud Computing Platform for Smart Park
摘要 云计算平台的研究及应用是目前的热点问题。面向智慧园区的云计算平台与公有云有着显著区别,出于安全考虑,将其设计成私有云模式,同时在受控访问的前提下允许私有云访问和利用公有云的资源。文章设计了面向智慧园区的云计算平台,同时指出了其相应的应用方向,云计算在节能减排、决策支持等方面均可提供有效服务,对智慧园区云计算平台建设及研究具有重要的参考意义。 The design and application of cloud computing platform are current hot issues.The cloud computing platform for Smart Park is designed as a private cloud for security reason,which is significant different with public cloud.The users of the private cloud computing platform to access the public cloud computing platforms under controlled access mechanisms.In this paper,A cloud computing platform for Smart Park is designed and the application directions is indicated.Cloud platform can provide sufficient services for energy saving and the decision support.The study of this paper is meaningful for the construction and research of the cloud computing platform for Smart Park.
出处 《供用电》 2015年第12期21-25,共5页 Distribution & Utilization
关键词 云计算 智慧园区 虚拟化 数据处理 决策支持 Cloud computing Smart park Virtualization Data processing Decision support
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