

Research Progress of FEA on Seismic Performance of Precast Segment Beam
摘要 主梁的节段预制拼装技术现在得到广泛运用,但是由于在其抗震性能研究上目前仍有欠缺,限制了该工法在高地震危险区的进一步推广。讨论了目前国内外对节段预制拼装主梁抗震性能研究的试验和数值分析成果,着重阐述有限元分析研究的进展,指出进一步需要研究的问题。 Precast segment bridge construction has been widely used in recent years.However,the lack of research on seismic performance of precast segment beams has restricted the usage of this method.This article summarizes the experimental results of seismic performance of precast segmental beam.In addition this article promotes the development of finite element analysis and includes a discussion of the existing flaws which may facilitate the expansion of future research.
出处 《上海公路》 2015年第4期42-46,9,共5页 Shanghai Highways
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(50508032 51378386) 上海市科委项目(13231200800) 上海市科技人才计划项目(13QH1400300)
关键词 节段预制拼装 试验分析 有限元分析 主梁 拼接缝 Precast segmental construction Experimental analysis Finite element analysis Beam Joint
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