To pass the strong-form patch test,element NQ6 introduced additional linear items into the internal non-conforming shape functions of element Q6 at the cost of an anti-distortion performance degra- dation. This study was focused on how to resume and even improve the anti-distortion performance, through which a reverse adjustment method was proposed during the handling of these linear modifica- tions. First, the additional linear item of each internal shape function was treated as a one-dimensional direc- tion that influences the anti-distortion performance of the element. A reverse search was then performed to determine the favorable step size by means similar to the advance and retreat method of optimization. Some typical examples were tested,the results of which showed that the reverse adjustment was effective. With the adjustment factor set as the mirror value,--1, and further extended to --2, the newly obtained elements were less sensitive to distortion than the original Q6 and NQ6. In particular,it was found that the shear loc- king in MacNeal slender beam was efficiently eliminated when the value was around --2. Because of the re- verse treatment, the new elements only passed the strong-form patch test with parallelogram mesh. Except for this,the overall performance and accuracy was close to the best of various 4-node quadrilateral ele- ments. Obtaining additional items of the internal shape functions by strong-form patch test with reverse ad- justment,the proposed method suggested a new way in improving the anti-distortion performance of the Q6-type non-conforming elements.
Chinese Journal of Solid Mechanics
non-conforming element, patch test, distortion sensitivity, element NQ6,4-node quadrilateral element