
人工阶梯-深潭破坏案例与稳定性分析 被引量:8

Artificial step-pool destruction cases and stability analysis
摘要 通过2006—2010年4个修建人工阶梯-深潭系统的治理山区河流案例,总结其治理效果和最终破坏原因。以单个阶梯为分析对象,给出其受力表达式,建立单个阶梯-深潭的简化稳定性模型,进而分析来流量和冲刷角变化对其稳定性的影响。单个阶梯的稳定性取决于关键石块粒径、河道坡降、流量和冲刷角。洪水期的洪峰流量和阶梯下游冲刷是阶梯破坏的主要原因,上游来流量增加和冲刷角越大,阶梯越易发生破坏。人工阶梯-深潭系统在洪水期的稳定性是其发挥长期治理效果的关键。 The stability of mountain stream bed is directly related to the effects of artificial step-pool system on mitigation of riverbed incision and control of debris flow. In this paper four cases of artificial step-pool system constructed in2006—2010 are analyzed to figure out the control effect and the causes of destruction of the system. The step-forming boulder is analyzed as an individual object and forces on the boulder is derived. A new model of step-pool stability is obtained,which can be used to analyze the impact of the incoming discharge and scour angle. The step stability primarily relies on the size of step-forming boulders,bed slope,flow discharge,and scour angle. The peak discharge in flood season and scour of downstream step are the fundamental causes of step failures. The stability of artificial steppool system during flood peak is the key for long term use of the system.
出处 《水科学进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期820-828,共9页 Advances in Water Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51309264) 中国博士后科学基金资助项目(2014M550740)~~
关键词 人工阶梯-深潭系统 山区河流 阶梯稳定性 洪水流量 冲刷 artificial step-pool system mountain stream step stability flood discharge scour
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