目的:观察肌电生物反馈疗法联合康复训练对脊髓损伤(SCI)患者下肢运动功能障碍的康复疗效.方法:60例胸腰段不完全性脊髓损伤患者随机分为试验组和对照组,每组30例.两组均进行常规康复治疗,试验组加用下肢肌电生物反馈治疗.治疗前及治疗后8周进行下肢肌肉最大收缩时表面肌电(surface electro myogram,sEMG)信号采集及肌力评定,比较临床疗效.结果:治疗后8周,两组患者股四头肌、胫前肌最大收缩时的sEMG信号及肌力均有提高(P〈0.05),试验组sEMG信号和肌力分别由治疗前15.57±2.31μV、1.04±1.38级提高到治疗后110.38±68.20μV、4.20±0.82级;对照组sEMG信号和肌力分别由治疗前16.35±4.30μV、1.64±1.47级提高到治疗后62.34±4.29μV、3.10±0.40级.治疗后试验组sEMG信号和肌力均高于对照组(P〈0.05).结论:肌电生物反馈疗法联合康复训练对胸腰段不完全性脊髓损伤患者下肢运动功能有促进作用,能明显提高患者的股四头肌、胫前肌表面肌电信号及肌力.
Objective:To observe the rehabilitation effect of electromyographic biofeedback therapy combined with rehabilitation training on the low-er extremity motor function of patient with spinal cord injury (SCI). Methods:60 cases of patients with thoracolumbar incomplete lesion of spinal cord were randomly divided into experimental group (30 cases) and control group (30 cases), both of them treated by conventional rehabilitation ther-apy, while experimental group combined with electromyographic biofeedback therapy. Collected the surface electromyography (sEMG) when maxi-mum contraction of lower limb muscle and evaluated the muscle strength before and 8 weeks after treatment to compare the efficacy of two groups. Results:8 weeks after treatment, the sEMG signal when maximum contraction and muscle strength of musculi quadriceps femoris and anterior tibial muscle were both increased (P〈0.05), the sEMG and muscle strength of experimental group were increased from 15.57±2.31μV, level 1.04±1.38 be-fore treatment to 110.38 ± 68.20μV, level 4.20 ± 0.82 after treatment; the sEMG and muscle strength of control group were increased from 16.35 ± 4.30μV, level 1.64±1.47 before treatment to 62.34±4.29μV, level 3.10±0.40 after treatment. After treatment, the sEMG and muscle strength of experi-mental group were both higher than those of control group (P〈0.05). Conclusion:The treatment of electromyographic biofeedback therapy combined rehabilitation training which can significantly improve the sEMG and muscle strength of musculi quadriceps femoris and anterior tibial muscle has promoting effect on the lower extremity motor function of patients wtih thoracolumbar incomplete lesion of spinal cord.
Chinese Manipulation and Rehabilitation Medicine
thoracolumbar incomplete lesion of spinal cord
electromyographic biofeedback therapy
rehabilitation training
lower extremity motor function
surface electromyography