1 设定明确而且具有挑战性的目标虽然证明能够提升绩效,但现在有些研究人员却认为设定目标也有负面影响。研究显示,在某些例子里,“组织目标设定”——职场绩效目标——与“认知损耗”及不道德行为有关,亚利桑那大学管理教授莉莎·欧德南指出。在许多组织里,员工一旦达到特定阶段的目标,管理阶层就会逐步“提高”未来的绩效目标,却因此造成意料之外的后果,她解释道。
1 While setting specific, challenging goals has been shown to boost performance, some researchers now suggest there's a downside to setting goals. Research has shown that in some cases "organizational goal setting"- workplace performance targets-has been linked to "cognitive depletion" and unethical behavior, says Lisa Ordonez, a management professor at the University of Arizona.